Functional Oncology

An oncology that sees and treats the tumor in isolation is not relevant.

People have a life that goes on during treatment, they have a history and a future.

Cancer treatment should preserve all these functions of the individual as much as possible.

The focus should be on the patient's life.

not everything is predictable

Having a cancer diagnosis is not desirable. Just as it is impossible to control every situation. But being part of so many people's lives, the treatment strategy is fundamental.

Through a lot of study, a lot of experience and

with a life involving culture, family and values, my work as an oncologist encompasses much more than understanding cancer. Touching a human being in such a delicate phase is a privilege and also an immense responsibility.

My mission is to make the patient's life simpler.

I try to pass on to my students, in addition to the concepts of oncology, medical posture, empathy and always encouraging critical thinking.

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At Oncosinos, the focus is on the patient. At the university is the doctor's training.

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